Writing tasks

Valentine’s Sonnets

Sonnets are tricky. But well done to these Windsor Writers who followed all the rules and produced a piece of poetry all ready to read out on February 14th.

Valentine Sonnet What I Wrote

by Mike Moss

Our homework this month, a sonnet to write

I’ll try very hard, the rules are quite tight

I have to confess, I haven’t a clue

About how to write one, or what to do

So I asked my friend Google for some help

When it became clear, I gave a big yelp

A sonnet has lines, some fourteen at most

Ten syllables a line, more and you’re toast

It should rhyme, any way, as best as you can

Write about true love, confess you’re a fan

But wait, it should be iambic, oh dear

If only I’d known, it should have been clear

I think I’ve the gist now so, to begin

Heck! No lines left – I just can’t seem to win!

The Animator

by Judith

Divine, benign or devoid of design,

There is a power that animates all.

It’s the mind behind how an ape, given time,

Became wise whilst a mouse stays small.

It allows the works of human endeavour,

To discern protons, electrons and quarks,

But as for the why and the whom and wherever,

They are hidden beyond the first sparks.

We are free to ponder an act far from grace,

Or beseech the being behind the big bang,

While what breathes life through the vastness of space,

Inspires awe in an ineffable plan.

Sublimely timing choirs of quantum string,

An incredible force subsumes everything.

Unnamed Sonnet

by Phil Appleton

Alert with kindly eyes he looks at me

In expectation food and fun to get

Dependent, tied yet wanting to be free

Our bond is such that both those needs are met

To me he gives unquestioning loyalty

Without complaint, a friend beyond compare

My moods, in all their strength and frailty

He takes them on, it seems without a care

Yet he’s a dog, a hound for all his charm

Which I forget when he gives me his trust

And looks to me to save him from all harm

So in his place I keep him as I must

In love, support we both connect as friends 

A partnership until we meet our ends

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